Fee Details

  1. Article Processing Charges (APCs):
  • Regular Articles: PKR 30,000
  1. Submission Fee:
  • There is no submission fee for manuscripts submitted to "Sociology & Cultural Research Review."
  1. Waivers and Discounts:
  • Waivers or discounts on APCs may be available for authors from low-income countries or those facing financial hardship. Authors can apply for waivers or discounts during the submission process, providing necessary justification and documentation.
  1. Membership Discounts:
  • Members of affiliated societies or institutions may be eligible for discounted APCs. Authors should inquire about membership discounts with the editorial office before submitting their manuscripts.
  1. Payment Methods:
  • APCs are payable upon acceptance of the manuscript for publication. Authors will receive detailed payment instructions along with the acceptance notification.
  • Accepted payment methods include bank transfer, online payment gateways, or other convenient options specified by the journal.
  1. Fee Transparency:
  • All fee details, including APCs and any applicable waivers or discounts, are clearly communicated to authors on the journal's website and during the submission process.
  • The journal is committed to transparency and fairness in its fee policies, ensuring that authors are fully informed and supported throughout the publication process.